We took the sailboat down to Adam's Key for the night, then cruised around and snorkeled and fished the next day. Didn't catch much but the weather was great and the ocean was amazing. To the east the black night sky was bright with white stars. To the west the city light seeped between the horizon and the low, dark clouds like a glowing nuclear sunrise. We took the skiff over the grass flats that first night, shining lights into the shallow crystal darkness searching for lobster, but finding only baby bonnethead sharks, sting rays, ballyhoo and houndfish. The next morning we dove on the colorful reef, looking under ancient brain coral ledges for sleeping grouper and hog snapper, as rainbows of smaller fish schooled all around us. High up in the sky three frigate birds tailed us like good-luck pterodactyls. Our sails stayed full all the way back to the dock.
i hate u
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